Monday, September 30, 2019

Clean Air

The Economic effect: clean air actBy:College:Course:Professor:Date:AbstractThis research will give a recap of the evolution of clean air act and the adverse effects it has had on our economy since its formulation. Throughout my undergraduate studies I have analyzed the growth rates and fluctuation trends of our economy, I scrutinized how the environmental laws favor or discriminate against giant companies and gave comprehensive conclusion. I used previous environmental reports from researches carried out by federal environmental agencies and compared them to recent reports after president Donald Trump scrapped out some environmental laws that affected large petroleum and coal mining industries. I also designed questionnaires to the general public, professors, economics elites and workers that are employed in companies that are rated to produce health hazardous products like fertilizers. Every set of people had a unique set of questions to answer. I picked these broad array of respondents so that I could have accurate information and hence a good analysis of the topic. The questionnaires relayed some very interesting statistics and I must acknowledge the participation of every respondent. I decided to dwell on this topic in a bid to sensitize people on the effects of the environmental laws and motivate them to speak out on the sensitive issue. This was after the sad realization that the general public tends to ignore the broad environmental as they perceive it not to affect their daily lives. In my research I have recommendations for the federal environmental agencies, the lawmakers and the general public. The economic effect: Clean Air Act influence on the dollar Every law that is formulated usually has good or detrimental effects on the topic it touches; health laws cause a positive disruption on the health sector, criminal and marital laws have a bearing to the social aspect of humans and so do many other laws. Before the lawmakers pass laws they should first dissect the topic extensively as each law has to stand on another sphere and slightly if not adversely affect it eventually. Expert insights on the topics should be accommodated as experts usually have insights on different variables affecting a constant. Public participation should be encouraged and their opinions on the matter should be prioritized before any other parties' opinions; this is because all laws are usually formulated to shield the general public from certain adversities and discrimination.Failure to collect and include views of the general public to the clean air act was the first and most regrettable mistake the federal government ever did since it was tabled in 1963. The date is not clearly marked as the act became a landmark later in 1970 then later on 1990 when the laws were further studded (starobin-1990). I admire the nobility of the pioneer law makers as they thought the laws will save humanity from early demise but I will show how the laws have rubbed a negative impact on the economy and less impact on the topic it was meant to benefit; health. Over the years the years the federal government has been struggling to sustain if not grow its economy, the question they failed to ask themselves is; what economic impact does the clean air act have on our country? They would be having a precise answer to that eerie question if they would have accommodated views from economists.The clean air act does not stand on its own ground; it falls under environmental laws which encompass other laws like the clean water act. The environmental protection agency (EPA) is the federal body mandated to analyze, implement and review the laws. Under it are numerous specialized agencies that were brought together to boost the efficiency of the whole environmental protection agency. In my report I will be using the common abbreviations to denote these agencies. In the broad umbrella we have the office of technology assessment (OTA) which a body that monitors the use of technology and how it affects the environmental laws. The national acid precipitation assessment program (NAPAP) was created in 1989 to monitor the harmful substances in the rain and the effects it has on people, infrastructure and the agricultural sector. The maximum available control technology (MACT) is the agency under EPA umbrella that designs and assigns technologies to industries that produce harmful substances (e.g sulphuric and nitrogen air. Later on the national ambient air quality standard was introduced to keenly monitor the trends of harmful standards in air (kopp-1989) To set up all these bodies required a lot of money, money which had to be coughed up in hard cash from the national coffers. In the body of paper I will give a brief history of the agencies and the exact funds that were used to set them up, to be relevant I will also tell you the timeline these bodies take to do research and the cost behind them. Further, I will state the time they take to implement their recommendations then enumerate if the implantation has effects to the environment and the economy. For clarity, I will contrast the information with the findings of my research that largely depended on people views backed up financial data from business articles from reputable press companies. This report will give us a better understanding of the dynamics around the clean air act.The economic effectThe state averagely spills over $92 billion annually to ensure that all stakeholders comply to the environmental laws set. The clean air act is serviced by more than more $28 billion and the clean water spends over $29 billion (. The number skyrockets when we talk of other bodies that deal with regulation of hard harmful substance like fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides as they spend over $32 billion annually in running of their functions. We discover that when setting up the institutions to implement the clean air act the federal government had to wait for 10 years for the bodies to make researches and draw conclusions. Here the state spent over $500 million in setting up and equipping the bodies, a further recurrent expenditure of $426 million was used annually to keep the organizations functioning. From 1970 to 1990 a whopping $8.52 billion in setting up and maintenance of the clean air act alone. After the first set of 10 years of research, the clean air act was studded and to comply with regulations; affected companies had to part with $4 billion dollars in a bid to comply with the environmental laws. A research by private companies stated the figure hit over $20 billion annually (denny-1990). The companies were supposed to reduce emission of sulphuric air by 10 million tons and nitrogen air by 2 million tons per year. In 1980 the government launched another program; the national acid precipitation assessment program (NAPAP) and gave it $500 million to carry out its research in a span of 10 years. The program was supposed to study the effects of acidic rain on land and water areas. The findings were good for the health topic but the money pumped in keeping the program running did not return profits. The much awaited findings were; the quantity of harmful substances in rivers and lakes had risen but the rise could not be attributed to rain alone as there were other hard toxic substances in the water. The finding authenticated the claim that acidic rain degrades infrastructure but they said the rate of degrade was very slow and could be matched up by apt maintenance. Another astonishing finding was that acid rain had no effect on agricultural products and production. Car manufacturing industries were also devastated by the laws as the cars had to be fitted with technological sieves to reduce carbon emission after fuel had been burned. This had to be done immediately as the state did not want to take more time as the research had taken more years. In effect the car manufacturing companies had to add an extra $120 to $450 per car depending on the type of fuel the car used and its customizations (. Truck and plane manufacturers were also slapped with the new regulations and they realize a slash in their annual profits. When President George Bush administration came into office it had to oversee a further $3 billion annually being channeled into car, truck and plane manufacturers.Methods of researchAnalysis of credible economic articles from the internet 1963to 2017Analysis of the report written the environmental program agency Analysis of the annual national budget and its revenue streamQuestionnaires responded to by students, professors, workers and the general public.FindingsSince the clean act was passed the state has spent more than $40 trillion in establishing of the environmental bodies. This money was used in assembling the infrastructure, buying the equipment and payment of workers.The target set by the numerous agencies since 1970 are still a long way to be met as the only 5 out of the 20 harmful substances in air have been managed.Most people are unaware of the laws existence and even after researching about it they claim that they feel the laws don't improve the standard of their lives.Over 311 giant companies retrenched over a half of their workforce between 1980 and 1990, this indicates that 190,000 people were left jobless hence the state's capital stock lost over $37 billion annually throughout the yearsQuality of air in urban areas increased to 98%. The sulphur and nitrogen substance level in air has reduced drastically over time but other harmful elements like benzene are still in abundance (EPA-2000). This change was noticed in cities, I bet it is from the implantation of the gas fitters in cars that the change was noticed.When the maximum available technology control agency was formed, it oversaw companies part with $4 million each to fit the technology sieves on their chimnies. Mortality rates remained stagnant and worsened to former workers of companies that went out of business when the environmental laws were passed.ConclusionsThe state should prioritize the economic part as it is through it that it will get funds to run all other vital activities, it is only by a strong financial background that other institutions can stand. Since the formulation of the laws a lot of money that would have been used in the building of economy has been spilled on the assembling of different agencies within the environmental program agency. The money did not have any beneficial return as the findings that later came from numerous state funded research did not meet the expectations or prove the notions that; more regulations will lead to less emissions of harmful substances thus improve the quality and lower the mortality rate of humans.In a bid to enforce the laws more funds were used in aiding some companies abide by the rules but this did not save the companies from retrenching employees and later closure due to either non compliance or lack of profits. As years went by and the laws became less conducive, more companies shut down and with them more jobs. As all this was happening the mortality rates remained high as the prevention policies barely worked or if they did the effect was insignificant. The state focused on creating the laws and did not work on technological or medicinal mechanisms to reverse the effect of health hazards on employees that worked in petroleum, fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides and insecticide companies. The more they died the more the laws looked inefficient.Years went by and the states spending on the regulations increased with no positive visible effects. More companies went out of business and in extend the states revenue collection decreased. This meant that important projects stalled and people's livelihoods were lowered if not completely shattered.RecommendationsThe state should consider inclusivity of all stake holders. Things would be a little better if the government had considered taking profession views from economic experts; our economy could much better. The situation can still be salvaged and the professionals be allowed to make their reviews. Then it will be easier to amend the laws. Here I recommend the state to welcome economic experts on the round table and let their opinions matter. Company owners should also be left to add voice to the topic as the laws affect their enterprises directly; the more they are left out of the topic the more they will be kicked out of business. Non inclusivity leads to hostility and this will scare away investors. The general public should be allowed to cap the topic too as they are the direct beneficiaries of whatever the law dictates. The review timeline should be lowered from 10 years to round 2 years, development can be hastened and reversed if the effects are devastating by shortening the span. This span should be capped by short term policies that are to be met in it. It may seem that the shorter the lifespan, the more the expense because of the numerous activities; that is not the case the amount spent will be the same. In a span of 10 years you will hire a large lot of experts to carry out the research but if you break it down to two years you will have small sustainable number of employees that will have gained experience hence bring on board accurate data.The clean air act should be made flexible depending on the geographical setting of the company is and the importance of products it produces. If the laws on petroleum mining were not so stringent we could be having more oil to export and this will lower the unemployment rate in the state.Harmful substance research should be refined and be more specific. They should know the precise number of industries and population in a geographical area then deduce the effects. Most researches are carried out in urban areas but the laws that are passed from the specific researches are applied all over the country. The researchers should accept that different geographical areas have different quantities of harmful substances. It is only by perfection in research that the laws can be made flexible.Insurance laws should be studded just like the clean air laws to keep the health hazard companies that hire people in check. 0 They should state that upon discovery that the worker's health has been negatively affected in the line of duty that the compensation should twice as high the estimated value of the effectReference;Numerous reports done in 1979, 1989 and 1999 by EPA,The environmental program agencyResearch done in 1989 by Krupnick and koppThey worked for OTA, office of technology assessment.Book; Social cost of environmental quality regulations by Michael Hazilla

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Promote communication in health, social care or children s and young peoples settings Essay

051.1.1 Communication is an essenial part of our lifes which we start from birth, this is why i believe it is important that there is effective communication in a work setting with children and young people. We communicate to exchange thoughts, express feelings and to learn new things. How we transfer this information can be by speech, crying, using our body language or/and expressions, our main goal is to be understood. We communicate to a variety of people in our work setting, not only the children we care for but we speak with their parents and family members on a regular basis to disguss their childs individual needs as well as update them on their childs progress. This is where we can share ideas and gather information on a child such as their mannerisum and types of reasurrance techniques they use to help them feel comfortable in our setting. Most importantly we communicate to others to build relationships and at our setting we aim to maintain them. 051.1.2 Read more:Â  Essay About Promote Communication Communication and relationships go hand in hand. To create a relationship we must communicate and with communication we are creating relationships. We all need reasurrance and support, children and adults, we do this by listening about others concerns or worrys they may have and acting on them, by acting on them we are gaining trust. Having a good relationship with a childs parents and other family members makes the transition from them to us easier. It is vital that we build relationships with the children and young people that we work with to ensure comfort and to feel secure enough to be without their parents. We aim to work in partnership with adults that are involved in the childrens lives. Communication is highly important between colleagues for us to work well together and to ensure that we have a childs best intrest at heart we exchange information on a their routines, feelings and their interests.To be an efficitive team we must support each other and remain professional. A strong relationship with work colleagues rubs off on the children creating a happy enviroment.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

WAN Technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WAN Technologies - Essay Example WAN uses private or public network transport like internet to connect to the network. WAN can be used to transmit data across different LANs on a global scale. Types of protocol are distinguished by their capacity to convey data across different distances (Muller 2003). Ethernet is the most common LAN protocol mostly used in offices and homes. Internet protocol on the other hand is the most common WAN protocol used universally. The users need to use strong passwords and implement proper security policy to prevent leaking out passwords to UN authorized users who may use the passwords to access sensitive information in the system (Ray 2009). The major challenges of setting up a global WAN connection are the difference in time zones and language barrier. By optimizing the WAN, the time taken to conduct different processes like downloading important data will be hugely reduced and enhance the productivity of the organization. According to Marcus (1999), the security of data also needs to be enhanced to safeguard the data from people that might want to corrupt the data of use it for unauthorized

Friday, September 27, 2019

Prints Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Prints - Essay Example The lines of the frames of the structure in the portraits can be used to illustrate just how irregular lines on artworks resulting from etching can be. Despite the fact that the structure is supposed to have some uniformity in terms of thickness of lines, this is not the case for this portrait. Portraits made from etching also make sure that there are some parts of the art materials that are not reached by the ink. This is because of the ground,which is acid resistant. The surfaces of the metal that are covered by ground are not eroded. In the portrait it can be seen that there is a significant portion of the portrait that are unaffected by the ink. This implies that they are the areas that came into contact with the parts of the metal that were covered by the ground, thus unaffected when the whole metal was dipped into acid. The color of texture and color of these areas are exactly the same as the texture and color on the paper on which the art was

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A cultural experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A cultural experience - Essay Example The Geography of China focuses on not only the position of China but also the enormous human source it has in the world. Located in South East Asia it is the third largest country in the world with 6.5% of land area and second largest in population. China has one more self importance in the world of history that is has the oldest civilization background tracing back to 3500 years. It is a mountainous country. Mountains and hills occupy 65% of the total area of China’s Landscape. China has lot of rivers and lakes Yangtze and The Yellow River are the most famous in the world. Nearly 95%of the population dwells in the North and South regions of China. The highest population count is in fact a strong supporting feature of China. The unity among the people had been a supreme cause in the development of China. Religion too has a great significance in China. Buddhism, though came from India initially, took its massive support only from China. As a result artistic and admirable monuments were built in order to set a strong belief in the Buddhist thought. Religion is cooperated with large family organizations. Either the father or husband takes care of the family. Children live with their parents till they get married. After getting married they will be shifted to a separate apartment. Coming to the food culture of China, they give importance to nutritional values. Colors seem to play an important role in the daily intake of China. Chinese associate colors with the main organs of the human body. Color, flavor, and smell have their equal partake and contribution in their food habits. They combine two to three colored ingredients such as green, light green, dark green, red, yellow, white etc added with sauces and cook. The Chinese had a strong traditional belief that type of food has medicinal values in it. A theory called â€Å"harmonization of foods† by Yi Yin reflects on the link between the five flavors and major organs of human body. They are sweet,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Celia Cruz Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Celia Cruz - Article Example During this time, Celia became fond of the religious Yoruba music, studying the words and even creating some of her own recordings in the same style. As a teenager, Celia aunt helped to encourage Celia’s love of music, taking her to cabarets to sing, but Celia’s father had other plans. He wanted his daughter to remain in school and study to become a teacher; one of Celia’s teachers, however, further encouraged Celia’s musical talent, telling her that she could make a greatly salary as a musician than a teacher makes in a month. Prior to Celia’s career as her fans know it, Celia was singing in Havana’s radio station broadcast, which featured numerous contests. Celia won the majority of the contests, receiving cakes as prizes and offers to participate in future contests. Though she made many recordings for radio stations, Celia’s first major recordings were made in Venezuela in 1948. It was in 1950, when Celia was thirty-four, when she m ade the greatest breakthrough in a career. After the lead singer of the famous Cuban orchestra, the Sonora Mantancera, left the group, Celia was offered the permanent position.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Study the Impact of advertising on children ( all media) Essay

Study the Impact of advertising on children ( all media) - Essay Example For this reason, a number of governments have passed several legislations that are aimed at protecting children from some of the advertisers’ efforts to induce them into some of the products and services in the market. One of the most critical consideration is the idea that the development of commercial appeals on children was not a common thing until the exponential growth of widespread television adoption (Lawlor and Prothero, 2002). This growth allowed programmers to come up with some channels that exclusively air children programming as well as advertising. It is also possible to identify the fact that with the growth of the internet, advertisers have been able to develop children-oriented advertising. However, the internet is a more privately controlled media. With the development of advertising content, that is specific to children; this paper looks into some of the impacts that this kind of advertising has had on children. The paper specifically looks into some of the cognitive developmental impacts of the advertising on children as well as the effects that such exposure has on the children. For any individual to obtain a mature understanding of some of the messages in advertisements, one of the most basic requirements is that the individual should be able to distinguish between noncommercial and commercial content. More specifically, the individual should be able to establish the difference between an advertisement and a program. According to some studies, young children might not be in a place to discern the difference between programming and commercials in a mature way (Lawlor and Prothero, 2002). For this reason, they base their judgment on affective or perpetual cues, which means that they are comfortable to watch commercials since they are shorter and funnier than programs. The other cognitive task involves a mature recognition of persuasive content in the commercials (Rozendaal et al, 2011). The comprehension of the advertiser’s intent

Monday, September 23, 2019

Applicability of Multiculturalism or Melting Pot Theory Essay

Applicability of Multiculturalism or Melting Pot Theory - Essay Example As such, he identifies himself more with Chinese cultural orientation than that of being either a Mexican or an America. The concept of culture has evolved through time. It was initially viewed as an intriguing complex sociological framework since it reflects the elaborate interaction of values, attitudes, perceptions and behavior displayed by a particular society. Eventually, culture emerged as a more multifarious and dynamic view that encompasses theories of diversity and multiculturalism. In the United States, a land of opportunities, sociologists and experts in cultural theories have separate contentions regarding applying the concept of multiculturalism or respecting the retention of distinct and diverse cultures. I hereby believe that multiculturalism is more beneficial for America rather than merging cultures exemplified in the melting pot theory. The concept of multiculturalism has existed for a long time as manifested by people who migrated to the U.S. and share more than one cultural orientations (Wong; Chavez; Saleem). Its historical existence is proof that multiculturalism in the United States is beneficial; otherwise, regulations would have been enacted to curtail this. According to Linda Chavez in her discourse entitled â€Å"Demystifying Multiculturalism†, â€Å"multiculturalism is not a grassroots movement. It was created, nurtured, and expanded through government policy. Without the expenditure of vast sums of public money, it would wither away and die† (113). Chavez asserted that multiculturalism has long been practiced and validly supported by policy makers through encouraging people from different cultures to migrate. (My professor said this quote was used incorrectly, which means, this quote doesn’t fit in this paragraph.)Immigration policies in the United States have monitored and restric ted the number of people from different races who opt to reside in the country. There are regulations that assist in providing a balance in cultural forces that are seen to be beneficial in terms of contributions to economic, social, technological, and political growth. Chavez has asserted that multiculturalism encouraged educational institutions to focus on â€Å"bilingual education and other multicultural services† (2). Therefore, there are forces that spur economic activities driven by the increasing number of people from various cultures. Multiculturalism is also more beneficial in terms of contributing to diversity. In contrast to the melting pot theory, through multiculturalism, traditional values and norms are preserved. From the video entitled The Great American Melting Pot, the Statue of Liberty was shown to hold a book of recipes that show the melting pot to be comprised of people from diverse nationalities. However, the video does not clearly indicate that these pe ople lose their cultural identities in the process (Schoolhouse Rock). Chavez indicated that â€Å"a whole new industry of "diversity professionals" has emerged to help managers cope with the expected deluge of non-white workers† (1). Multiculturalism has created a demand for professionals to focus on training people to realize the benefits of employing diverse people in their workforce. Likewise, diversity has opened potentials for accommodating traditional values and learning to adapt to new ones. Tahir expressed her preference to practice the way of life in America, she still respected the tradition of pre-arranged marriage; where her parents would solicit potential suitors according to a predefined qualification. The suitors with most preferred qualifications would eventually be streamlined and would be the basis of selecting the favored husband. Likewise, Wong allegedly

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Monopoly Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Monopoly - Coursework Example Jesus explains the rule of monopoly power and encourages people to put all their treasure in heaven should they want to enter the Kingdom of God. Further, in 1st Timothy, â€Å"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows† (The Holy Bible, I timothy 6:10). Indeed money can buy power though it is always the cause of many problems. The Pharisees were considered the great spiritual leaders among the Jews because they gave interpretation on the Laws of Moses and were a link between people and God. The Sadducees were people who constantly rejected the laws yet they claimed to lead priestly lives (Jewish Virtual Library). Jesus condemns them for misleading the common people, â€Å"You Pharisees and teachers of the law of Moses are in for trouble! You’re nothing but show-offs. You lock people out of the kingdom of heaven. You won’t go in yourselves, and you keep others from going in† ( Mathew 23: 13-14). Through this, it is true how Pharisees denied people from going to heaven since they enjoyed monopoly power. They knew people were so dependent on them in guidance of their spiritual lives. Monopoly power, according to the Bible is a worldly treasure that will deny many people a chance to enter heaven. According to Jesus, most people used such opportunities in accumulating material wealth instead of putting all their treasures in heaven. As a lesson, it is very important to consider what Jesus said and be on the move to change, repent and give the less fortunate people right and meaningful

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Bookshop Company Essay Example for Free

The Bookshop Company Essay 1. Introduction 1.1 Background The company that I have chosen to do my project on is a small book distribution company called Bookshop. Bookshop is a small company based in South London and was set up in early 2002. They have a small workforce of 4 people. Each person therefore has a large and important role to the company. Each worker is always hard pushed to meet deadlines for schools and social centres demanding books. Because that are a small company they cannot afford to have large computer staff to look after al their accounts. They are limited to the time that they can spend on different tasks. Each day they deal with a round à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1000 worth of orders, but this might vary to as much as à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4500 or as little as à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½500. The director of the company has put in a large lump sum as a loan to start off the company, which she hopes will trunk into profits, which she will later recoup. 1.2 Statement of the problem I have conducted an interview with the director of the company and we encountered the following problems. * Because the bookshop is new, there are many things that could go wrong and caused bankruptcy. There is the fact that the company has no real image and cannot conduct rely on customers. Therefore they need to profit maximise. They need all staff working to their full potential. They need no wastes of time with things that can be done automatically. * Also with the small amount of money available to them they had o make do with old computers, which ran old computer programs that are DOS based. * The problem that ABC Books as a company has is that it is limited to the workforce that it ca spend on different tasks. Therefore time is a major part of what is wrong. * If there were a way that was quicker than the current way to do it then the time taken by each person would be greatly reduced and there may be a chance that each person would have more time to do other jobs. For example two people handle all the accounts. * If there were an easier way then they might only need 1 person and therefore there would be an extra person left over to do other work. Because of a shortage of time that they spend on the accounts, orders dont get delivered and because it is a small business, it needs all the orders it can get and any a late order and schools will look to other suppliers. This was picked up on by Pat Horsefield (director) when a meeting was held to discuss the problems with the system. Mrs. Horsefield feels that: * with the introduction of a computer accounts system, * a system that can process customer orders faster and more accurately, * a reduction in the amount of paper generated by the system and feels that a centralised system could improve communication between staff, then the whole company will run more smoothly and then they would make more money and she would start going in to profit As the company is new they have not got enough capital to go out and but fleets of vans and cars, they have to rely on people own cars and transport of that of a delivery company which all costs money. Because of this they need to save money on expensive large especially designed programs by large specialist companys that produce such programs. 2. Investigation 2.1 The current system The current system that the company use is a spreadsheet package that was created 17 years ago and is therefore quite basic and not easy use for all the staff that are used to more modern forms of spreadsheets. At the moment as each school places an order, it has to go through a processing system that takes a long time to fill out. Input Processing Output Forename Surname Position School Address Home Phone Mobile Books ordered Total Price Paid Payment method This is the route that the current data takes. 2.2 Constraints of the Current system The format of the current accounting system is in DOS and therefore has no GUI that is useable to a user for formats like EXCEL. The software and hardware are old and need to be replaced. * That main one is that it is not like the new accounts systems such as EXCEL and SAGE Line 100. There are many problems encountered when external people wish to view the accounts i.e. Auditors. * Another problem is that when outside people wish to review the accounts, they are totally unfamiliar with the system and are not able to use it correctly. This is mainly because of the layout and the basic look of the interface. * There is one major problem with the actual system and that is that it does not automatically perform calculations. Therefore all calculations need to be done using a calculator. This is time consuming. If there were a way that the users could just put in numbers and the computer could automatically calculate the totals and the answers the user would have more time to do other things. * Due to the lack of complexity of the system, errors are often made. 3. Requirements of the new system 3.1 General objectives The general objectives that I hope to be able to achieve are: * To create an up-to-date system that can be easily used by the staff and new staff * To be based on a modern GUI that all users will understand * To make it self explanatory so that new users will be able to pick up the methods quickly. * It will need to be able to hold the companys accounts * There will be no need for passwords to any of the data, as no strict personal data is held on the computer 3.2 Specific objectives quantitative * Customer accounts should be found in less then 20 seconds * The user should be able to locate a page by using in the click of a button. * All users should be able to use the system to do accounts. * Customer Details should be able to be printed off at the click of a button. * There should be buttons to do all reasonable jobs (print/open/add) * All pages should have links back to all the other pages, with the click of a macro and should be clearly labelled. 4. The current systems 4.1 Hardware The hardware that is available to the users is a small LAN of 4 computers and a server. All the computers have a barcode scanner for scanning in book barcode numbers and ISBNs. The computers that I have available for me to use are a set of 5 networked PCs at my house of which one has a barcode scanner. At college there is a large number of networked PCs for pupils use. They are all networked so that the users can log on to his/her area. The hardware available to me is Specifications Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Connectors: Audio Line In (1/8 Mini) Ethernet RJ45 Twisted-Pair (XBaseT) IEEE 1394 4 pin Unpowered IEEE 1394 6 pin Powered Keyboard 6 pin mini-DIN (PS/2) Mouse 6 pin mini-DIN (PS/2) Parallel 25 pin D-shell (IEEE 1284A) USB Universal Serial Bus 2.0 Video 15 pin High-Density D-shell (VGA) Included Devices: Keyboard Mouse Barcode Scanner Chassis Style: Tower Input Devices: Keyboard Mouse Modem Speed: 1mb Cable *networked to all 5 Modem Type: Na Included Network Card: Ethernet (10/100 Mbps) normalized-Processor Speed: 2000 Video Integration: Motherboard Included Monitor: No Included Printer: No Sound Support: 3D Audio CD-ROM Read Speed: 40 X (CD,CD-R) CD Rewrite Speed: 12 X (CD,CD-R) CD Write Speed: 32 X (CD,CD-R) DVD-ROM Read Speed: 16 X (CD,CD-R) Hard Drive Capacity: 80 GB Included Drives: DVD/CD-RW Combo Floppy Drive Hard Drive Number of Hard Drives Included: 1 Bus Speed: 400 MHz Installed Memory: 512 MB Max System Memory: 1.5 kB Shared Video Memory: 32 MB Number of PCI Slots: 2 Processor Class: Intel Pentium 4 Processor Processor Speed: 2.0 GHz All 5 of the PCs that I have available to me at my house are all the same. (see above) 4.2 Software The software that the user has available is Microsoft Windows 95 professional edition with Office 95 and all relevant software for the barcode scanners and for the tele-book ordering. What I have available to use is Microsoft XP professional with Office 2000 which has excel, which Im using to create the new spreadsheet program 4.3 Users IT skills and knowledge I feel that the users ICT knowledge and skills are limited to what they can do. They are inexperienced in computer use and therefore they have not developed, because of this there will need to be a basic and informative and self-explanatory interface. I think that the interface will need to be bold and relevant to the tasks. The user manual will have basic information in using the system as well as a trouble shooting section. 1. Consideration of a possible solution There are many different packages that I could use to create an accounts program there is Sage Line100, which is widely used in large company businesses. There is also Microsoft own Excel, which is widely used, in smaller businesses. I am going to use excel to create the program because it is the most commonly available and is therefore the best choice to use. I think that it is also the easiest to use out of the two because many people use the program already and have a basic knowledge of the program already and how it works. It is also a lot clearer to see than the basic graphics of Line100. there is also the case that Excel is cheaper to buy than a copy of Sage Line100. at à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½250, Line100 is rather too expensive for a small company. I feel that with the cheaper, only à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½89.99 Excel they will have a better deal on their hands. Microsoft Excel clearly dominates the spreadsheet market. Not too long ago, Lotus 1-2-3 was considered the standard spreadsheet. Excel now holds that distinction, with an estimated 90% market share.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Family Systems Therapy And Theories

Family Systems Therapy And Theories Family Systems Therapy is undergirded by a variety of theoretical approaches all of which focuses on human problems which result from relationships. As individuals we are encouraged to be autonomous, independent, make our choices and accept the consequences of these choices. This individualist stance seems to contradict the reality that we are born into families and spend our lives attached to a family either our own creation or one into which we are born. It is within these families that we learn, grow and develop. It is to these families we turn in times of hardships or triumphs. Family Systems Theories postulate that individuals are best understood within the context of their family. Like a living organism, families have properties which none of the individuals have, these properties are destroyed when members of the family are considered as individuals. Family systems theories shift the focus from individuals to the patterns in their relationships. Nichols 2009à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦p102. The behaviors manifested in one family member are linked to the behaviour of other members and may be a hallmark of how the family system functions not just symptoms of one members maladjustment. The difficulties of the presenting family member may, according to Corey 2009à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ p.412 Serve a function and purpose in the family Be unintentionally maintained by the family Be a function of the familys inability to operate productively Be a symptom of the dysfunctional patterns handed down across generations. This kind of approach is very different from the framework of individual psychology which conceptualizes human problem in an intrapsychic framework. The body of knowledge known as Family Systems Theory arises from observations by counselors as they work with individuals and their family. According to family system theories families are systems of interconnected and interdependent individuals. They do not exist in isolation whatever affects the individual affects the entire system. Perhaps the most fundamental concept of how families operate is that the family is a system which has a tendency to maintain stability by using information about its performance as feedback Nichols (2009)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦p98. In this theoretical framework a family is considered to be cybernetic. At the heart of cybernetics is the feedback loop which determines whether the current operation of the system is acceptable and if not attempts to make the necessary changes. The feedback can either be negative or positive. Negative feedback is not bad but indicates that the system needs to take corrective measures to return to stability. Positive feedback may have negative consequences as it may serve to reinforce an error in the system. In order to maintain this stability, there are family rules and family roles. Family Roles-this is a description of what is expected of each family member. At a basic level there are roles of father, mother, daughter, sister and so on, but there are less obvio us roles for example one member may assume the role of the responsible one or the humorous one as the case may be. Family Rules-these are often understood by member of the family although not written down and often unspoken; they set guidelines for how the family operates. For example a family would understand who makes the final decision in important matters. Although family members may see these rules as just the way things are they may or may not be aware that different families would do the same thing differently. The pioneers of family therapy recognized that social and cultural forces shape our values, thoughts and our concept of normal, but it was Murray Bowen that first defined a family theory. According to him, the history of our family creates a mold that shapes our values thoughts and experiences. He further suggested that this mold is passed from one generation to the next. Bowens theory focuses on two counterbalancing life forces. The first is togetherness and the second is individuality. When a family shares too much togetherness, fusion is created and where there is too much individuality the result is estranged family. He introduced eight interrelated concept to explain how families develop and function. Differentiation of self is the ability to distinguish and maintain personal thoughts feeling goals and identity in the face of emotional and social pressures to do differently.Differentiation of self is the cornerstone of Bowens theory. This involves the psychological separation of intellect and emotions and the independence of self form others. It is ability to think and reflect and not respond automatically to emotional pressure. Differentiated people have the ability to balance their feeling and thoughts, they are capable of strong emotion, yet posses self restraint. They are able to take a stand on issues and have the ability to think decide and act on what they believe. Undifferentiated people act emotionally they tend to be impetuous displaying submissiveness or defiance. They find it difficult to be autonomous and are unable to take clear position on issues. They tend to reflect the dominant emotional pattern in the family. Emotional triangles are formed when two people who are unable to resolve a problem draw a third person into the conflict. The third partys involvement may be short lived so forcing the two people to resolve their differences. If the third parties involvement becomes long term then a triangle becomes a part of the relationship. Triangulation ease the tension but freezes the conflict in place Nicholas (2008) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦p128 and eventually undermines the relationship. According to Nicholas 2008 most family problems are triangular. Nuclear Family Emotional processes are the emotional patterns in a family that continue over generations. A partner who lacks differentiation in his her family of origin may become emotionally cut off from hisher parents and this would lead to fusion in marriage. Fusion can produce different effects on the marriage including emotional distance between partners, marital conflicts, physical or emotional dysfunction in one partner or projection of the problem on one or more of the children Nicholas Shwartz, 2008à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ p 128. A parent lack of differentiation is transmitted to children in Family projection process. An undifferentiated mother may become attach to a child (or children) because she has decided that her spouse is inattentive to her. The mother would project her lack of differentiation to the child who is most attached. This child will achieve least differentiation and more vulnerable to problems. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the more the mother forces her attention n the child the more the childs functioning is impaired Nichols and Shwartz ,2008p129 Multigenerational Transmission Process describes the transmission of anxiety from one generation to another. This is the unconscious passing on of anxiety which overrides the adaptive thinking and behavior of succeeding generations. Sibling Position children develop personality characteristics based on their position in the family. Emotional Cut Off describes the way people manage anxiety between generations. the greater the emotional fusion between parents and children the greater likelihood of cut off Nicholas and Shwartz 2008à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦p130 Societal Emotional processes are social expectation and their effect on the family. According to Bowen, all families lie along a continuum and there are no types of family. He believes that optimal family development occurs when members are differentiated and maintain a healthy contact with each other. For Bowen, family problems are the result of emotional fusion. Typically the family member with the symptom is the one who is least differentiated. This member is unable to separate hisher thoughts from the families and absorbs the anxieties of the entire family. Structural family theory emphasizes the need for parents to maintain a clear hierarchical position of authority. The origins of the theory can be traced to early 1960s to Salvador Minuchin who formulated the theory and set guidelines for therapeutic techniques. The theory is built on three component structure, subsystems and boundaries. Structure refers to the organized pattern in which families interact. Nicholas Shwartz 2008à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦p185. It describes the patterns of authority, communicating and interacting. Patterns develop as family transactions are repeated. In time these patterns become embedded and define roles and functions of family members creating predictability of the family interactions. These repetitions create expectations that establish rules in the family. Although alternatives are available the family rarely considers them and even in situations where patterns are dysfunctional, they are maintained. Dysfunction patterns give rise to a dysfunctional family structure. According to Minuchin, it is this dysfunctional structure which is the source of family problems. According to structural family theory each family system has subsystems. These are sub groups within the family structure which exist to accomplish various family tasks. Subsystem may be determined along the lines of generation, gender, role and interests. For example there are spousal subsystem and child subsystems. Within the subsystem each family member plays a different role. When one subsystem intrudes into another causes structural difficulties and indicates that boundaries between subsystems are diffuse. Diffuse boundaries can result in enmeshment. On the other hand boundaries which are rigid result in disengagement. Clear boundaries blend characteristics which are both rigid and diffuse. When there are clear boundaries parents occupies a position of leadership in the family. There are some aspects of the theoretical constructs of both Bower Family Systems Theory and Minuchins Structural Family Theory that are constant with my own world view. Like Bowen, I believe that our familys history creates a template which shapes our values thoughts and experiences and many of these values thoughts and experiences are passed down through generations. However this template in my opinion is only one of the possible template which shape values thoughts and experiences as there are many factories other than ones family of origin which influence who we become. Many persons can see the family pattern and make a conscious decision to build a life with different patterns. In this way the pattern in the family of origin is a powerful determinant but rather than been a template of what should be these patterns is template of what to avoid. The concept of differentiation is cornerstone of Bowenian theory and I share Bowens view that lack of differentiation can be transmitted from generation to generation. Parental lack of differentiation may manifest itself in children who are either emotionally fused or rebellious leading to emotional cutoff from family of origin. Bowen however seems to emphasize the mothers role in the process of passing anxiety from one generation to another. In my opinion he has pathologized the maternal role. Our social norms have prepared mothers to assume a nurturing role and this is not pathological. Bowens belief that there is a chronic anxiety in all life that is both emotional and physical Gladding 2009 p.235 is very different from my over world view. Generally the prominence given to anxiety as a defining force in all life is very foreign to my personal belief and system. My worldview starts from the opposite end. I see all of life filled with hope and choices. A life governed by anxiety is a life that chooses anxiety. It is my belief that the structure, subsystems and boundaries are three essential components of families. Family structure sets out the pattern of authority and the lines of communication. I strongly believe that parents should be in charged in every family and the children should know this. Parents should present a united front to children and any disagreement they have between themselves should not be played out with the children. Thus is one way of ensuring that the parent and child subsystems remain separate. To ensure separation clear boundaries must be establish between the subsystems. I believe that most family dysfunctions are the result of structural problems. Where there is no structure children develop chronic uncertainty which affects their overall functioning. Some children are at one extreme of severely maladaptive behavior while others are at the other extreme of over compensating behavior to gain favor. Along this entire continuum is the common thread of low self esteem. Keeping the family subsystems separated by clear boundaries in necessary for a healthy functioning family. Parents and children share their lives but parents relationship is maintained separate without threat from the relationship with children. These clear boundaries establish a hierarchical structure in which parents occupy a position of leadership. I believe that in Jamaica family structure problems and single parent households is a kind of chicken and egg situation. As the single parent tries to compensate for the absent parent, child and parent subsystems are confused as boundaries become rigid, defused, enmeshed and even destroyed. Often in these households it is hard to tell who is in charge and this leads to a wide range of problems including hostility between children and parents incest and other types of abuse. Many of these children assume adult roles before they are ready which result in early (single) parenting to begin the cycle once more. It is difficult for me to relate my own family to Bowerian family theory. Bowens emphasis on anxiety in the family of origin has no currency with me personally. Anxiety was not a part of my childhood. My parents were highly differentiated individuals who were independent thinkers. I am unable to see any triangulation and multigenerational transmission of anxiety. Among my nine siblings I do not even see birth order as an important consideration instead I see us accept each other as individuals with different abilities, talent, strengths and weaknesses. My family of origin was definitely ordered along the lines on Minuchins Structural Family Theory. There was a firm structure in place with strong subsystems and clear boundaries. We were nurtured and cared as children and guided into adulthood. We were encouraged and taught to be ourselves and the sibling all get along. My oldest sibling is 72 and my youngest is 49. We all agree that if our parent had any favorites among their children we cannot tell. The Bowenian Theory in counseling and psychotherapy is applied to trace patterns of family problems with a view to identify emotional reactivity and triangulation. The genogram has been found to be a useful assessment tool to identify these two issues. The aim of the therapist is to de-triangulate individuals and help them to develop differentiation. Along the way parents become better equipped to manage their own anxieties and less likely to transmit these anxiety to their children. Structural Family Theory underlines a therapy that seeks to reorganize families. The underlying assumption is that the familys difficulties are as a result of the organizational structure. The structural therapist assesses the presenting problems in four steps Firstly involve the whole family in the problem, secondly help them see how the family exchanges continue and support and perpetuate the problem. The therapist then exposes the impact of the past on the problem and finally explores options which the family members can take to relate in more productive ways that will create shift in the family structure and help resolve the presenting complaint (Nicholas and Schuartz 2009 p.196). Bowen and Minuchin had very different views of the source of dysfunction in individuals but both agreed that the dominant force in our lives is located in our families. Therapies based on this theoretical framework is directed at changing the organization of the family. When this is done then the functioning of the individual will be altered. This is not a change on the present individual only , but the whole family changes. In this way the individual change has a greater likelihood of remaining a permanent one.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Threat of Language :: Essays Papers

The Threat of Language America is a nation that promotes the image of diversity among its citizens. This diversity is what makes American unique and different from any other country in the world. As years pass the ethnic population of the United States grows at a rate comparable to the speed at which a bullet flies. With so many different cultures and languages coexisting within the boundaries of this nation, a question arises. Do languages other than English threaten American’s ability to unite socially, politically, and economically? Richard Rodriguez is a perfect example of an immigrant that came to American with his family and didn’t know any English. Starting when he was a young child Rodriguez had a very difficult time making friends and feeling comfortable out in public. This was because he didn’t know how to communicate with people outside his home. Richard realized that the only way for him to break this social barrier was to be able to speak English like everyone else. Rodriguez was not just able to learn English but he also was able to gain his own individuality with out loosing his ethnic background. â€Å"The bilingualists insist that a student should be reminded of his difference from others in mass society, his heritage. But they equate mere separateness with individuality.† Rodriguez regained his individuality when he was able to communicate and express himself to the community in which he lived. With the tool of the English language under his belt Rodriguez was able to succeed and share with others his experiences and feelings. Is it necessary for people of different cultures and languages to be able to speak English in order to succeed in America? Should their ethnic background be sacrificed in order to fit into American society? The U.S. Department of Education enacted the Lau decision to increase funding for bilingual education all over America. Many immigrants felt that this increased funding wasn’t helping to teach the children well enough. In one case a Chinese man in San Francisco complained that his children were at a disadvantage, both socially and economically because they weren’t being taught English adequately. The statistics are staggering regarding the success rates of minorities throughout high school and college. A report by the American Council of Education states that â€Å"50 percent of all Hispanic youths in America drop out of high school, and only 7 percent finish college.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Semantics Essay -- Communication, Language

Language is the primary source of communication for humans and is used to convey thoughts, feelings, intentions, and desires to others (Bonvillain 2008:1). Many rules are taken into account when forming a language. According to Bolton, language is arbitrary and is unrepresentative of the objects they represent (Bolton 1996: 63). The study of Semantics allows us to identify the meaning of words and phrases in their literal sense, and helps us to make meaning out of arbitrary sounds and phrases. It has been contributed to by both linguists and philosophers. Linguists used lexical decomposition to understand the features that comprise words and the categories in which the words fit. Philosophers dealt more with the meanings of sentences and truth condition and reference (Parker and Riley 2010: 28).Semantics is still not a completely understood field, and as a result it is not easy to study (Parker and Riley 2010:26-27).Semantics is split into three different sections: sense, reference, and truth conditions. Thanks to semantics, we gain an understanding of what words mean when they are said to us. Without semantics, we would not be able to understand each other. Semantics take into account cultural, situational and environmental constructs to develop meaning in different areas of the United States and throughout the world (Bonvillain 2008: 27). With that being said, there are several things that semantics brings to the English language that allows us to communicate on a deeper level and makes our language more complex. Sense is the study of the literal and intentional meaning of words and phrases. Part of this section is lexical ambiguity. This occurs when one word has more than one meaning. Parker and Riley use the example of the wo... ...nd not in the other (Parker and Riley 2010: 40). Presuppositions are phrases that have to be considered true in order to evaluate the validity of another phrase. For example if I said â€Å"Judy Genshaft is the president of USF† and â€Å"Judy Genshaft is a good president,† you would have to accept the idea that she is the president in order to understand whether she was a good or bad president. In conclusion, semantics is what we use to make sense of our language. It takes into account the cultural references, environmental sayings, and situation events. Maybe the reason that semantics is so hard to understand is because it tries to make sense of something that has no meaning and things that change from place to place. Without it, our language would be much more primitive than it is now, but because of it we can make sense of things, make references, and understand truth.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Standardized Testing Debate Essay -- High-Stakes Standardized Testi

Standardized testing is one of the most hotly debated topics in education. Experts in education have different views on the topic. Standardized testing refers to a testing method whereby students are subjected to the same assessment procedures set by examiners that intend to examine and score them as part of a wider student’s body. Standardized tests are of two kinds, the aptitude tests and the achievement tests. The aptitude test examines the students’ advanced skills or competency. Achievement tests evaluate students’ understanding in a formal educational institution and reviews their performance and understanding of key concepts. While evaluating the pros and cons of standard testing, it is evident that researchers and educators question whether it measures how effective the school taught the concepts to the student or whether it asses the students’ comprehension of the basic concepts taught. The articles under review define and explain the pros and co ns but fail to offer an alternative method of assessing students. Standardized testing brings a sense of accountability to both the teachers and the students. According to Derrick Meador, an industry expert, teachers have to deliver effectively in preparing students for the standardized testing. He also states that there is also the advantage of the results of the students going public. This puts pressure on the school as a whole because the results will be a reflection of how much effort they put in their schoolwork. This publicity also ensures that a teachers performance is evaluated and poses the risk of a teacher losing their job or the school being closed and given to the state (Meador, n.d.). Standardized testing makes it possible to create a clear qualitative compar... ...mprehension. Educators must standardize their curriculum however, a standardized universal curriculum does not consider each individual student’s environment. Researchers have show that the student’s comprehension is pegged on their environment. In addition, the pedagogy style employed is also dependent on the environment, which standardized testing does not consider. Works Cited Meador, Derrick . "Standardized Testing." Teaching. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. . Popham, W. James. "Why standardized tests don't measure educational quality." Educational Leadership 56 (1999): 8-16. Ravitch, Diane.. "Ravitch: Standardized Testing Undermines Teaching." NPR. NPR, 11 Apr. 2011. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. .

Monday, September 16, 2019

Personal Life and Dear Fellow Students Essay

Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are very important, and yet, necessary component of a happy and healthy life. It helps the undeterred growth of our mind and body at the same time adding smile and tenderness to our daily life. Hence, the value of relaxing and having fun is just as significant as the importance of a dedicated working day at office, or a committed day of learning at school. As the saying goes â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy† one must not only work hard but also devote equal time to nature the mental and physical aspect of life. Therefore, in essence, to position ourselves as well-formed, energetic and happy individuals in our society we must develop a balance between our work and entertainment, education and play. After all, what is the use of having a huge amount of wealth or knowledge if one doesn’t have a cheerful personality to enjoy them? Is there anyone out there willing to buy a painting at the cost of his or her eyes†¦? No one, am I right†¦? I am sorry to have chosen a harsh analogy, but in fact, this is what we do when we become mere workaholics. We sacrifice too heavily on something in search of happiness which ultimately turns out to be the very reason for our unhappiness! Respected judges, teachers and my dear fellow students – a very good morning to you all. Be it us, the students, our parents or the global workforce, the contemporary life of all of us has become extremely busy. We have developed kind of an object driven and materialistic attitude towards life and living. To the extent that we care only the marks and money! We don’t, or little realize that ceaseless working or studying reduces our efficiency and make our life dull and depressing. Dear fellow students, physical, recreational and relaxation activities are.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Cold War and US Diplomacy Essay

The John F. Kennedy presidency encountered various situations in Latin America, Southeast Asia and Europe, as well as, other regions that required astute diplomatic efforts and initiatives amid increasing Cold War tensions. Kennedy had been passionate about the issues of war and peace since when he was young. In fact, Kennedy’s plan of flexible response managed by Robert McNamara was intended to minimize the occurrence of war caused by miscalculated diplomatic and military initiatives. The U. S. ’s successful handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis epitomizes the foreign policy approach that John F.  Kennedy’s administration took. The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 was a conflict with the Soviet Union and Cuba on one side and the U. S on the other. The Cuban Missile Crisis is regarded as the closest the Cold War came to turning into a nuclear war (Byrne, 2006, p. 7). It is also one of the documented moments of the threat of mutual assured destruction (MAD). After getting proof of Soviet missile bases building in Cuba, the U. S thought about the idea of attacking Cuba through air and sea, but later arrived at a military quarantine of Cuba. U. S troops were at their highest state of readiness ever while Soviet field commanders based in Cuba were ready to use battlefield nuclear weapons to defend Cuba if it was attacked. Fortunately, courtesy of courage of two men, President John F. Kennedy and Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev, eminent nuclear war was averted. After capturing proof that Cuban missile bases were under construction, Kennedy secretly held a meeting with the Executive Committee of the National Security Council (EXCOMM). He put on hold the military solution of the crisis, vigorously championed by the Joint Chiefs of Staffs, and instead decided to quarantine Cuba (Viotti, 1996, p. 104). On October 22, 1962 Kennedy informed the public about the crisis, declaring the quarantine and demanding removal of the Soviet Union. Kennedy’s inclination to a peaceful settlement of international disputes was best exemplified when a Soviet missile brought down a U-2 reconnaissance plane over Cuba, murdering the pilot Rudolf Anderson. On October 27, in a letter to Nikita Khrushchev, Kennedy gave a non-invasion promise for removal of Soviet missiles from Cuba. Luckily, on October 28th, 1962 Kennedy and Khrushchev signed a deal. The Soviet Union accepted to remove their missiles from Cuba in exchange for the U. S non-invasion promise and disarmament of PGM-19 Jupiter missiles in Turkey. By the time the deal was struck, all Jupiter missiles were considered to be out of use and had actually been replaced by missile-equipped U. S Navy Polaris subs; they were however, removed in 1963. Diplomatic efforts spearheaded by President John F. Kennedy in conjunction with Premier Nikita Khrushchev during the Cold War helped the U. S to avoid going to war with the communist Soviet Union. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a dangerous global security situation equated to crisis such as the Berlin Blockade, the Yom Kippur War and the Suez Canal as one of the major conflicts of the Cold War. Avoiding the eminent nuclear war was a great feat for the U. S in her efforts to spearhead maintenance of international peace and security. Furthermore, it saved the international community from being doomed to a devastating worldwide thermonuclear war even before the deep wounds of World War I and II dried up. After the Cuban Missile Crisis, the U. S and the Soviet Union political leaders recognized a mutual interest in deliberate and strategic arms limitations in order to avoid accidental or unintentional nuclear war and to prevent the spread of the deadly nuclear weapons (Cimbala, 2002, p. 8). During the 1960s, the vital Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963 and Direct Communications Link (Hot Lines) for urgent situation discussions between the U.  S and Russia heads of states were concluded. Deliberations between Washington D. C and Moscow over strategic arms limitation started during the Johnson administration continued during Nixon presidency and ended in the SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) covenant in 1972. The Cuban Missile Crisis indirectly reaffirmed the importance of peaceful settlement of disputes not only between the U. S and their rivals like the Soviet Union, but also between other countries in other parts of the world. This trend was particularly crucial to the entire international community, which was still struggling to overcome effects of World War II. Diplomatic efforts used by Kennedy’s administration helped to save the world’s weak nations from being hurt by the likely thermonuclear war that would have erupted between the U. S and Soviet Union. In addition, it left both military and political global balance of power unaltered. In conclusion, for the U. S public, President John F. Kennedy showed commendable leadership talents, decision-making abilities, and conflict management kills. In fact, by November 1962, Kennedy’s management of the Cuban Missile Crisis was seen by most ordinary Americans as a major diplomatic victory for his administration and the nation at large (Viotti, 2005, p. 53). To a certain extent, the triumph of the diplomatic efforts adopted by Kennedy administration boosted public confidence in his regime particularly with regard to foreign relations initiatives at a time when Soviet Union communism was increasingly gaining ground and the nuclear weapons race getting out of hand.